toxic shock /ˈtäksik ˈSHäk: acute septicemia in women, typically caused by bacterial infection from a retained tampon
if a man had to put his balls in a vise
there’d be heads on spikes.
3D mamos, pft! comfort isn’t covered.
lift your knickers and bear it. perk up
little blue pills-covered, period.
pink tax & Tampax
serving up gender bias on
tits and ass since, forever
made to manage our menses
BYOT, or
feed tampon dispensers,
50 cents? damn. no loose change.
rubbers are free, tho ribbed
for her pleasure. insert
scoff, here____.
we pleasure ourselves just fine,
four thousand days spent
thousands of pinked-up products
thanks Earle, for listening.
no more
bandaged paper, rolled grass, fur.
sold in stores-
Raveling’s Tampon Tubes,
popping cherries
all across America since-forever
because, big surprise
insert eye roll, here____.
social discomfort sells
slaves- to those tiny totems
and their cloistered cotton braids,
and to the doctor,
who puts our poor tits in a vise.
seventeen makes promises like
“Yeah, girl, you’ll still be a virgin.”
because gawd forbid. insert gasp here_____
men; they'll never know the language of women.
men only speak, the language of men.
a man would never put his balls in a vise
like, ever.